Free PDF Tools

Source: Klaus Tiedge (Gettyimages)
When you work at home you'll often need specific tools depending on the job. Some are provided by employers and some you'll need to have on hand. Personal assistants, virtual assistants and the like will need a tool they can use to convert PDFs, merge and split, etc.

The tools you'll need if provided by you will become a work expense just like the electricity you use and the internet connection you pay for that's why it's great to have free online tools available.

I was needing a PDF converter on a project I had and was lucky to find PDF Fill. It has worked great for me as I mainly use merging, splitting and converting of PDF files which are all part of their free tools.

They also include encrypting and decrypting options, rotating and cropping, reformatting of multiple pages, adding headers and footers, adding watermarks, PDF Form Fields, and more as part of their free package.

When you download the tool you also get their free PDF & Image Writer. There is also a PDF Editor available for a minimal fee.


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